2023 Reading List
✿ 70/80 ✿
✿ 70/80 ✿
Suffering creates great nations and great literature.
Following the story of his mother, who drowned herself in a river when he was young, a lesser-known and rarely mentioned history of Eastern laborers during World War II gradually unfolds.
How the suffering of a nation becomes intertwined with the fate of a family "without a past or future."
Through this glimpse, I also come to understand a little more about the fate-ridden nation of Ukraine.
随着军事经济实力的悬殊和南方精神领袖元首“逃出海外”,终于两年多人民的苦难终止于1270年比亚法拉政权的投降。可是内战被结束了,战争给予人们身体和心灵上镌刻地深深的创伤又该 何去何从,如何被平息和修复呢?阿迪契告诉我们:铭记历史的苦难,永远不做冷漠的旁观者。
Before opening the book, I had only briefly checked the most basic information about Nigeria on Google: Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and has the largest economy on the continent.
The book revolves around Olanna and Kainene, twin sisters from the privileged Igbo society, and is roughly divided into two timelines (early and late 1960s) and two narrative perspectives: Ugwu, Olanna's "revolutionary lover's" servant, and Richard, Kainene's British lover. Through the experiences and changes of the protagonists and the surrounding world before and after the Nigerian Civil War, the third-person narrative explores issues such as colonialism and post-colonialism, anti-war sentiments, race, social class, feminism, love, friendship, family relations, and familial bonds.
Since I initially knew nothing about Nigeria's North-South conflicts, I was shocked and confused when the massacres "suddenly occurred," which prompted me to learn more about Nigeria's history, from being colonized by the British to the present day. As a result, I gained a more informed understanding of this country and its people, rather than continuing to read their stories with preconceived biases.
In the Nigerian Civil War, the Republic of Biafra, established amidst tribal massacres, brought a glorious hope to the suffering and grieving southern Igbo population. Like the rising sun on their flag, it once made people believe that their heavy suffering could end and that the government would no longer be a puppet of any faction. However, war and blockades led to millions of civilians dying from hunger, disease, and relentless shelling.
As the military and economic disparity grew and the southern spiritual leader fled abroad, the people's suffering finally ended with Biafra's surrender in 1970 after more than two years. Yet, even though the civil war ended, how were the deep physical and psychological wounds inflicted by the war to be healed? How could peace be restored? Adichie tells us: Remember the suffering of history, and never be a cold, indifferent bystander.
It is essentially exploring the relationship between social systems and individual freedom. The perspective that even a utopia can be a form of hell is quite clever.
关于自然关于人 关于动物 和信仰与爱的力量
From Hualien, Taiwan to the Morisaka forest, it unfolds a folkloric painting of Taiwan's indigenous peoples from the last century—
A story about nature, about people, about animals, and the power of faith and love.
"Sometimes, a person can be extremely loyal without love, as you know: in certain situations, loyalty becomes a form of revenge, extortion, and punishment against love itself. Loyalty is not the same as love."
Morrison 审视的不限于容貌,还有午后大街上的寂静、光线和忏悔的氛围。
From the burden of race to self-hatred, Morrison doesn’t just focus on looks—she captures the quiet of afternoon streets, the light, and the feeling of guilt in the air.
“Beauty isn’t just what you see; it’s also what you do with your hands.”
殖民主义父权制 社会等级历史和文化的压迫原始欲望生而为人无法逃脱的“耻”感 库切以男性身份和视角 直白且残忍的“自我刨析”
Colonial patriarchy, social hierarchy, the oppression of history and culture, primal desires, and the inescapable "shame" of being human—Coetzee, from a male perspective, offers a blunt and brutal "self-dissection."
13/16 from the female perspective
My favorite chapter is "Motherhood": the author argues that the so-called "maternal instinct" is actually a product of patriarchal society and specific cultural development, not a natural trait of women. Women should have full control and decision-making power over their bodies when it comes to childbirth. Given that the individual burden (biological nature) cannot be eliminated or replaced, the social compensation provided to women is far from enough. Even if some men take on (part of) the family responsibilities, childbirth remains a "privilege that can bring death" faced only by women.
3/16 from the male perspective
The writing is honest. The chapter "Complete Annihilation," though from a male perspective, is really well-written! The idea that children are both an extension of parental power and a binding responsibility for parents is quite insightful.
※未读完 看不懂
※没看完 太长了
最近重温了很多以前爱的原耽,反复被童子惊艳到。这就是人们穷极一生想要寻找的所谓soulmate吧,果然只存在在书里 ; (
Dostoevsky once said that no one is ever completely honest in an autobiography or self-analysis, because there's always the assumption of an "audience." Vanity leads one to wrap their ugliness in a façade, even while in self-reflection. For a long time (and still now), I have been both proud and ingratiating, filled with extreme self-loathing. I can't help but feel as though I’m more "aware," and thus superior, but I can't escape the darker side of being human. Like the man from the underground, I sometimes have no choice but to digest the internalized pain, savoring it as though it's sweet, even turning it into fuel for living—or perhaps, for reconciling with the world.
Dostoevsky doesn't offer any answers, of course, nor reasons—he merely poses the question. But I feel he was already quite honest, brutally so, because humans are largely just this dark and ugly. I know I am too.
Hemingway's Paris, a "few years in Paris, a lifetime of Paris" literature. I believe that in one's life, there should indeed be specific phases spent in particular places with certain people. At an age that's not necessarily young but most suitable, one should have an experience - be it short or long - that exists outside of one's typical growth journey. Whether it's bitter or sweet is uncertain, but time will always craftily apply a filter of nostalgia. Because we can't live in that state forever, we reminisce. These should be very personal and subjective feelings, but it's still very interesting to step into the daily lives of famous figures from that era!
Moreover, understanding the real lives of male authors truly helps to demystify them lol.
A life story written from a woman's perspective, spanning the period of the Spanish Civil War. However, it doesn't mention any grand war scenes, but instead focuses on the trivial details in the life of an ordinary woman before and after the war: floral bed sheets, ceramic cups, street lamps, hunger. Natalia's emotions towards her husband's decision to go with the flow and join the front line, ultimately losing his life, gradually change from initial confusion and worry to expectation, and finally to indifference.
Marriage and motherhood intertwine with Natalia's youth. She entered marriage at a young age, immediately followed by childbirth, never having the space, opportunity, motivation, or reason to ponder the true meaning of life and pursuit of self. Joe, her husband, completed the stripping of her self-identity and personality with a sweet pet name. The wedding night was nothing more than "the end of the rose path and the beginning of the tear path."
From this point on, Natalia's life seems to become a tangled mess, like the pigeon loft upstairs, seemingly full of new life and hope, but also mixed with dirt, blood, feces, and chaotic feathers, suffocating.
At the moment when Natalia bought poison, ready to kill her children and end her own life, the grocery store owner stopped her. This scene is reminiscent of Lot's wife turning back in Sodom in the Bible, but unlike her, Natalia did not suffer the fate of becoming a pillar of salt. Instead, she found redemption under the olive branch of starting another marriage. But is this really redemption? We only know that on that startling deep night, she walked in the darkness before dawn on the street, carved that pet name on the door of her former home, and still couldn't help but let out a hellish scream.
I particularly enjoyed the chapters discussing life, death, and nature. The experience of being sent down to a different way of life isn't necessarily all about suffering. However, one can't help but feel that human life is as fleeting as grass and weeds, and many of our supposedly free choices are just another form of secretly going with the flow.
I felt strangely related to it. The unique experience of hunger felt by laborers in the special war years, the homesickness that leads to emptiness, the inescapable "concentration camp" lingering in dreams. Being on connected land, yet feeling like a stranger; that land one wants to escape from but can't help but miss. I too am enveloped in a hunger that's not of the mouth and in the embrace of a hunger angel that shouldn't be exclusively mine, yet surprisingly discover that food and the act of eating can indeed fill a void in my soul. Herta Müller is truly a language genius! How can someone write about homesickness, hunger, and the history of World War II labor in a way that's full of cruel yet light beauty?
There are places where one's physical body may leave, but the heart and spirit remain trapped for a lifetime. Forgetting, remembering, and trauma are all transformable symbols, effective because they're built on the concrete. And in many present moments, the homeland is more escape-worthy than a concentration camp. As she says, "With the passage of time, homesickness becomes hollow, leaving only smokeless embers, truly exhausted, because it has nothing to do with the actual home anymore."
记得以前读简媜《四月裂帛》,她说“深情即是一桩悲剧 ,必得以死来句读, 你真是一个令人欢喜的人,你的杯不应该为我而空”,当时不懂,只觉得矫情。
I remember reading Su Weizhen's "April Silk Splitting," where she said, "Deep love is a tragedy, it must be punctuated by death. You are truly a delightful person, your cup should not be emptied for me."
At the time, I didn't understand and thought it was overly sentimental. Reading Qiu Miaojin reminded me of this quote, and I finally understood that it's indeed true. For some souls that are too emotional, sensitive, and precociously gifted, death might be the only way out. This is certainly not weakness or avoidance, but rather a way of reconciling with the world and oneself.
This is not an autobiography, but merely a segment of life; of course, this is also not an Africa travelogue by an observer, but a story that grew wild on African soil. I'm so envious of those who can find something they love for a lifetime, and are prepared to devote all their emotions, time, and even life to it. Sometimes I feel that my life is not bad, just stable and uninteresting.
In a world that "doesn't belong to us," mother tongue is the last refuge.
Going home is death, exile is failure, the only truly free moment is when deciding to leave. Pain follows like a shadow, it's like being in a dissociative state while living genuinely on any soil. She says the Netherlands is like a paid breathing space, as for where to go next, there's no clue. When Dutch replaces Thai, mother tongue becomes a burden, communication between compatriots is not dialogue, but mutual comforting caresses and licks. People identify their kind through the common trauma bestowed by the nation, because what it produces most are scars.
Language, culture, faith, nationality, ethnic identity are placed after personal comfort, all symbols of a decisive farewell to the past, things to reminisce about when there's time. Yet the irresistibly purchased plastic bag in the colors of the national flag, along with everything abandoned, maintains a survival instinct, but gradually becomes a burden and debt for future generations, or rather, a curse. This seems to be an unhealing pain forever etched deep in the genes.
It's the disorientation of finding oneself lost in the city where one grew up, it's the different flow of time after parting with the homeland, it's like attending one's own funeral every time returning home, it's everyone trying so hard to escape to different distant places, yet still collapsing in the same way somewhere. These are the stories of exiles.
两个女人,一对姐妹的故事:一个和令自己心动家人满意的男人走入了婚姻,一个挣脱了世俗意义上女人应成为的样子的枷锁。是否无论做出什么选择的女性都不能得到幸福?是人的问题还是【是女人】的问题?这个问题我没办法给出答案。只是如人饮水,活在世界上也许就是会不断、不断、不断的羡慕其他人和后悔自己的选择。Richard Yates用平实的的语言不加修饰的描绘了女人会面对的残忍但真实的生活景象,但很流畅好读!我还是愿意相信在两种人生之外会有别的路,且走且看啦。
In the face of adversity, women often find that whether they turn left or right, the outcome is fraught with difficulty.
Consider the story of two sisters: one steps into marriage with a man who meets her and her family's expectations, while the other breaks free from societal constraints of what a woman should be. Do women, regardless of their choices, inevitably find themselves unhappy? Is this a human issue or a specifically feminine dilemma? I cannot provide a definitive answer. It seems that life might involve an endless cycle of envying others and regretting one's own decisions. Richard Yates portrays the harsh but authentic realities that women face with unadorned, straightforward language, yet his writing remains compelling and readable. I prefer to hold onto the belief that beyond these two paths, there may be other routes to explore. Let’s continue to journey and see what unfolds.
Calvino once said, “Revolution does not happen because we live in a country where everything has a cause but no effect.” Yet within this very country, he crafts an ethereal and grounded figure—a life spent resisting chaos by retreating from it. The Baron in the Trees embodies a blend of obsession, generosity, and freedom, occasionally touched by solitude. He is a revolutionary, an adventurer, a poet; he has loved, been loved, accepted, and resented. Yet, he remains sincere, kind, and consistently true to himself.
As I read, I pondered what kind of ending Calvino might create for the Baron, for I struggled to escape the traditional notion that life must ultimately return to dust. It wasn’t until I read, “Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò—living in the trees yet forever loving the earth—ascended into the sky,” that I encountered the true scope of imagination. Indeed, there could be no better ending (though sinking into the sea would be just as beautiful).
In the end, it’s about the land—keeping promises and not looking back! Perhaps the inherent struggle of humanity comes from wanting everything yet not particularly desiring anything in particular.
In an era of spiritual void, where fragmented notions of freedom, reason, and rules drifted aimlessly, a miraculous knight emerged—one who would never cease to think and steadfastly pursue lofty ideals. Thus began a fairy tale rich in medieval flavor: a widow who, having fallen from grace into poverty, indulges with passing men; a nun caught in scandalous relations; a gallant and romantic knight accompanied by a madman who can transform into anything; and a harsh yet absurd battlefield between Christians and pagans.
The nonexistent knight represents true chivalry, while the revered Holy Grail knights are revealed to be mere oppressors. Calvino, with a cartographer’s precision, maps out three adventurous paths, imbuing the three-dimensional story with a four-dimensional perspective. He explores whether human existence relies on spirit or flesh through several key characters, yet the story culminates with the nun casting aside her pen and bravely pursuing love.
The significance of the novel can never surpass the reality of life, and names only acquire unique meanings through human presence. Once the nonexistent knight's armor is donned by another, it loses its sanctity. In moments of confusion, doubt, and unresolvable entanglements, as Calvino suggests, put down the pen and venture out—the next turn may hold a wondrous adventure.
The story is rich in narrative while also embodying humanistic concern.
Under the guise of civilization driven by financial gain, oppression and exploitation persist. The blood and tears of countless abused Indigenous people are buried in the annals of history and time, where evil is systematically concealed, and only the pain of the victims remains ever-present.
At twenty, Zeno believed he had cast off the shackles of the mundane world and attained complete freedom. Yet, this freedom was earned through a lifetime of wandering and experience, gained little by little.
In an era of religious fervor, Zeno questioned the hypocrisy of faith sold as a slogan. He found that the compassion preached by religion often ended at personal salvation and indifference to the suffering around him. Humanity, under the guise of differing beliefs, fostered hatred, attacks, and killings; even the softest compassion became a flaw needing to be countered. Thus, rather than being swayed by the hypocrisy of religion, it is better to return to self-affirmation, free from its deceptive control.
Despite his skepticism toward religious authority, Zeno forged a deep friendship and trust with a devout Catholic—the head of a monastery—a relationship characterized by "meeting beyond contradictions." What shapes us is everything we accept and reject, but beyond opposing views, it is the empathy and compassion for others’ suffering that truly connects us.
Zeno's journey—his departure, travels, searches, experiences, boundary-breaking, doubts, reflections, constant negations, and reconstructions—culminated in a sacrilegious faith and martyrdom. Although suicide is deemed a grave sin in Christianity, Zeno's self-sacrifice elevated him to eternal Zeno, upholding the truth he pursued throughout his life and achieving true freedom—the freedom to control the manner of his own death.
The path before death was the farthest Zeno could take readers, but at the very beginning of the story, he had already said: "I set out because 'someone is waiting for me elsewhere. I am walking toward him,'" and that person is ourselves.
Hiromi Ito writes about herself and the secret yet transparent, unspoken aspects of menstruation and hormonal fluctuations between women. She explores the beauty standards that persist even at fifty, and the series of physiological changes brought about by menopause and the cessation of menstruation: falling hair, loose and dry skin, uncontrollable hot flashes, a metabolism that slows to near stagnation, and a diminished sex life. She writes of a poem expressing the desire to kill her daughter, of a mother-daughter relationship marked by both love and resentment, intimacy and estrangement, and ultimately, of transforming into the archetype of a mother both physically and psychologically. Her writing is raw and sincere, though lacking in polish.
The growth of each female character is thoroughly fulfilling. By first becoming confident and strong, one will find love and respect. (And I also appreciate the deconstruction of the Bible, Jesus, and Adam: as a male, a white person, and a creator, they would naturally be unable to understand the suffering of people of color and women.)
A hundred years, four generations of women, journeying through the dark, long night, only to witness the first light of dawn.
所以我不懂为什么人总羞于表达喜欢、感恩和爱,如果生命是只来一次的机会,而我们又已知它短暂。不过语言又的确是最最空洞和虚伪的表达方式了,辗转反侧的夜 无数次下意识的想念 流过的眼泪缩成一团的心脏 我的关心 亏欠 矛盾 后悔 感激 能见到你的喜悦 如果这些都能让你感受到就好了,可惜最后我也依然是即便在心里演练了几万次还是脱口而出了平淡的话。
就明明相互需要却忍不住彼此猜忌 小心翼翼 如履薄冰 怕被伤害又总恶意揣测别人 在交流里面误会恒生 到头来谁也没有真的开心。
I don’t want to translate this one because it’s not actually related to this book, lol. Just some random nonsense things I wrote down.